Dauðr Blog

#code posts

#web monetization

How to Create your first GatsbyJS Plugin

October 14, 2019

In the latest article I introduced the new (proposed) web standard per Web Monetization. In this new article we'll se how we can create a simple GatsbyJS Plugin to inject the Web Monetization Meta Tag using the SSR APIs.


How I Built an Interactive Map from Scratch

July 29, 2019

The other day I needed to complete a task for a client, this task consisted in creating an interactive map based on a static SVG. In this article I'll explain how I accomplished the job 👌


ngFor Done Right

July 04, 2019

When dealing with lists in templates, ngFor saves us a lot of time, but it could be a real pain if used wrong, read this article to know hot use it right


Write your first transaction on the Libra Network

June 24, 2019

After the release of the Libra Network's testnet, we'll understand how to write simple transactions on it


Conditional Polyfill in Angular v7

May 18, 2019

How to enable conditional polyfills loading in an Angular v7 project

Written by Michele Da Rin Fioretto a freelance web developer that works in Italy and in the world.
His main area of expertise are Angular, React, Firebase & Serverless Architectures
You can also find him on